All Things Olbert

Well, some things, anyway.

Here are the current sites available on (inactive sites are italicized):

www.olbert.comThis site
286chestnut.olbert.comA site documenting the construction of Barbara’s and Mark’s home in San Carlos (inactive).
ag.olbert.comArthur G. Olbert – son of Arthur W., uncle to Arthur R.
board.olbert.comWebsite from when Mark served on the San Carlos, California Elementary School District Board (2001 – 2011; inactive)
council.olbert.comWebsite from when Mark served on the San Carlos, California City Council (2011 – 2020). Now devoted to local/regional political and community issues.
imperfect.olbert.comMark’s website for ranting about information technology, particularly programming, issues
pursuit.olbert.comMark’s website for photos, motorcycle trip reports, book reviews and reflecting on life.

Some other sites which, while not part of, may be of interest:

www.ardsleyhigh73.com50th reunion website for the Ardsley, New York high school class of 1973
www.jumpforjoysoftware.comMark’s website for software he’s developed
www.theboilingfrog.netMark and Seth Rosenblatt’s website for their podcast, The Boiling Frog.